First time with a Pennautier. As big and gutsy as the reviews say, with a dark truffle like taste. Tastes even better on days 2 and 3 (if it lasts that long!)
First time with a Pennautier. As big and gutsy as the reviews say, with a dark truffle like taste. Tastes even better on days 2 and 3 (if it lasts that long!)
Apr 17th, 2024
We had this with a veggie wellington for Xmas day. It was silky smooth, and absolutely bloody delicious. £20 a bottle, for Xmas only!
We had this with a veggie wellington for Xmas day. It was silky smooth, and absolutely bloody delicious. £20 a bottle, for Xmas only!
Feb 9th, 2022
Très riche. Putain, j'ai pas eu les 60% de syrah... "non, non, pas de syrah là dedans..." pfff. Jeune mais étonnant velouté. Bien bien. Merci del et chlo
Très riche. Putain, j'ai pas eu les 60% de syrah... "non, non, pas de syrah là dedans..." pfff. Jeune mais étonnant velouté. Bien bien. Merci del et chlo
Jun 3rd, 2017