Really nice. Nose hits right out of the gate. Loads of savory, gravelly minerality, a balsamic note, dried sour cherry underneath. Serious in the mouth. No fruity frivolity here. More on the austere side, with loads of tangy, dark savory notes, good acids, still a bit of puckery tannin. Too demanding to sip on its own but dynamite with a chicken dish that featured lots of herbs and was braised with tons of punchy cherry tomatoes.
Really nice. Nose hits right out of the gate. Loads of savory, gravelly minerality, a balsamic note, dried sour cherry underneath. Serious in the mouth. No fruity frivolity here. More on the austere side, with loads of tangy, dark savory notes, good acids, still a bit of puckery tannin. Too demanding to sip on its own but dynamite with a chicken dish that featured lots of herbs and was braised with tons of punchy cherry tomatoes.
Mar 19th, 2021