Surprising depth, only slightly tannic finish- would order again and would buy a bottle :)
Surprising depth, only slightly tannic finish- would order again and would buy a bottle :)
Apr 23rd, 2016
Bridlewood Pinot noir, California Dark fruit flavors of currant, plum & blueberry with nuances of vanilla & brown spice. Well balanced w a round mouthfeel, this wine has a smooth lingering finish
Bridlewood Pinot noir, California Dark fruit flavors of currant, plum & blueberry with nuances of vanilla & brown spice. Well balanced w a round mouthfeel, this wine has a smooth lingering finish
Jun 8th, 2015
I was out in Penfield ny with my friend Dan Roop - don't remember the restaurant, but this wine is the best Pinot I've ever had.
I was out in Penfield ny with my friend Dan Roop - don't remember the restaurant, but this wine is the best Pinot I've ever had.
Oct 1st, 2013