Somewhat muted nose, but what it lacks in bouquet, it makes up for in the mouth, bright red fruit, silky texture, salmon color at the edges...Leslie, thanks so much! This made Sarah's night with grilled portobellos and steak... With black truffle butter:). DRINK NOW, don't wait...such a long finish, dare I say Burgundian...
Somewhat muted nose, but what it lacks in bouquet, it makes up for in the mouth, bright red fruit, silky texture, salmon color at the edges...Leslie, thanks so much! This made Sarah's night with grilled portobellos and steak... With black truffle butter:). DRINK NOW, don't wait...such a long finish, dare I say Burgundian...
Sep 17th, 2015So surprisingly fresh?! Delightful structure & finish. Color bright, not sure what to think about this bottle other than- Wow!
So surprisingly fresh?! Delightful structure & finish. Color bright, not sure what to think about this bottle other than- Wow!
Aug 24th, 2015Not good. Tasted like I waited too long, but didn't even know I had this bottle.
Not good. Tasted like I waited too long, but didn't even know I had this bottle.
Aug 1st, 2015