Bodegas Tradición

30 Años Amontillado Jerez-Xérès-Sherry Palomino Fino

9.42 ratings
9.42 pro ratings
Jerez, Andalucía, Spain
Palomino Fino
Top Notes For
Molly Brooks

Roasted almond, peach syrup, baked apple, dried green herbs, a touch of balsamic? There's so much going on. I feel like Jack Skellington, "What is this?!" #amontillado #sherry, that's what.

Roasted almond, peach syrup, baked apple, dried green herbs, a touch of balsamic? There's so much going on. I feel like Jack Skellington, "What is this?!" #amontillado #sherry, that's what.

Jul 17th, 2015
Devin Duntz

Devin had this 11 years ago

Devin had this 11 years ago

Jun 22nd, 2014