Not dead, but the old cinnamon-cherry plum tart nose turns a slight rot of tropical compost and black banana pudding. Cedar-smoked cranberry sauce, dusty grape skins and wet clove. Finishes muddy with a little tar. Past it's time by a tiny margin. #BV #rutherford #napacabbootlickers #napacabs
Not dead, but the old cinnamon-cherry plum tart nose turns a slight rot of tropical compost and black banana pudding. Cedar-smoked cranberry sauce, dusty grape skins and wet clove. Finishes muddy with a little tar. Past it's time by a tiny margin. #BV #rutherford #napacabbootlickers #napacabs
Feb 20th, 2017
Well developed, fruit is nice and mature and still present. Nice oak integration and well structured. Balanced.
Well developed, fruit is nice and mature and still present. Nice oak integration and well structured. Balanced.
Jan 20th, 2015