So excited to drink this. Leathery, pipe tobacco on the nose. Forrest floor, old attic mildew, dusty, decomposing musty leaves. Stringent. Tastes like a old leather bound book you found at your grandparents and were like, “what’s that?” and pulled it from its shelf and instead got a face full of dust. But you love it. I love this. It’s everything I love about an old Bordeaux— pure decomposed earth. I would love to pet a lovely, giant Scottish Deerhound while drinking this— a dog as regal and mythical as this wine.
So excited to drink this. Leathery, pipe tobacco on the nose. Forrest floor, old attic mildew, dusty, decomposing musty leaves. Stringent. Tastes like a old leather bound book you found at your grandparents and were like, “what’s that?” and pulled it from its shelf and instead got a face full of dust. But you love it. I love this. It’s everything I love about an old Bordeaux— pure decomposed earth. I would love to pet a lovely, giant Scottish Deerhound while drinking this— a dog as regal and mythical as this wine.
May 17th, 2023
Birth year wine for my birthday. This bottle may out live me. Pencil shavings, dark berries, forest floor. A bit of bricking but no sign of fading, so much structure still. Not usually a bordeaux drinker but this is brilliant stuff.
Birth year wine for my birthday. This bottle may out live me. Pencil shavings, dark berries, forest floor. A bit of bricking but no sign of fading, so much structure still. Not usually a bordeaux drinker but this is brilliant stuff.
Jan 23rd, 2022
Oh my word this is a gem. Displaying beautiful tertiary flavors of mushroom, first floor, but still some dark berries on the palate. Could let this one age a little further but drinking great now.
Oh my word this is a gem. Displaying beautiful tertiary flavors of mushroom, first floor, but still some dark berries on the palate. Could let this one age a little further but drinking great now.
Oct 27th, 2018