Stewed plums, violets, bramble, and a zing of minerality. Darker berries. Touch of mid palate sweetness. Impressive finish, tannins are big. No discernible oak. Opens nicely over a 2 hour drink, but give this another year or two in the cellar. This is big boy barbaresco.
Stewed plums, violets, bramble, and a zing of minerality. Darker berries. Touch of mid palate sweetness. Impressive finish, tannins are big. No discernible oak. Opens nicely over a 2 hour drink, but give this another year or two in the cellar. This is big boy barbaresco.
Jan 21st, 2017
Beautifully complex nose of wet stone, plum skin, hoisin; wonderful fruit, nice vervy acid; good length, right amount of tannin to contend with. By the glass at Uncle Yu's Livermore Valley...one of the best wine programs around!
Beautifully complex nose of wet stone, plum skin, hoisin; wonderful fruit, nice vervy acid; good length, right amount of tannin to contend with. By the glass at Uncle Yu's Livermore Valley...one of the best wine programs around!
Aug 23rd, 2016