Lovely. Boysenberry, mulberry, violets. Big, boozy too as a lot of barberas are, but balanced. Very nice
Lovely. Boysenberry, mulberry, violets. Big, boozy too as a lot of barberas are, but balanced. Very nice
Feb 19th, 2022
clay soil, dark, dried plum, hint of wood and black pepper, eucaliptuse aromas on the nose. need time to open it up. Dry, Med plus acid, soft tannin, structure of backbone, bitterness on end, hint of jalapeno on mouse. Intersting...less fruit, more structure. Need aging when you want to drink wine itself but jt's perfect hearty pizza wine!
clay soil, dark, dried plum, hint of wood and black pepper, eucaliptuse aromas on the nose. need time to open it up. Dry, Med plus acid, soft tannin, structure of backbone, bitterness on end, hint of jalapeno on mouse. Intersting...less fruit, more structure. Need aging when you want to drink wine itself but jt's perfect hearty pizza wine!
Nov 9th, 2015