#qualityitalian #verdicchio — 7 years ago
Compelling, fragrant #verdicchio #classicosuperiore - large acid up-front; if you can wait to let it warm in the glass the fruit comes alive to balance that acid. Aromatics: white flowers, grapefruit pith, lemon oil. Bright acidity on the palate and a lovely lush texture for this medium bodied Italian white. — 4 years ago
#otto #verdicchio — 7 years ago
David Kline
Green pea and lemon, butternut and chive; a waxy Semillon essence, leek and white pepper. Perfect age here on a magnum, and shining incandescent. Garden melange on the palate showing baby spinach minus the tannin and crunchy sprouted barley but bouncing hard to lemon abcf citrus peel to deliver a creamy yet pithy framework that rings undeniably dry and lemongrass forever. Excellent in every way and singularly expansive. The DOCG is well -deserved and remarkable. Aloe and chayotes.
#marotticampo #marotticampisalmsriano #salmariano #castellidijesi #castellidijesiverdicchio #castellidijesiverdicchioreserva #verdicchioclassico #verdicchio #marche #proprietariviticoltore — 2 years ago