
Sidebar Cellars

High Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2014


A good friend, with a way cooler vocation than mine, invited me to attend a wine dinner last night. I quickly realized I stuck out like a sore thumb at the who's-who table of Charlotte food & wine journalist powerhouses. They accepted me with open arms, and at least I held my own when it came to the wine! Maybe it's this weather, but this sauv blanc struck a chord with me: crisp, light, refreshing, and delicious, especially paired with the beets-3ways, compliments of Chef Paul Verica. Sidebar....yes, I'm in. Summer... yes, it's almost here! #sidebar #summerlove #reidsfinefoods — 8 years ago

David, Randall and 10 others liked this
David L

David L Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Meg Santanna I'm curious to what you think of the third episode? These first couple of weeks, she needs people that are engaging to the audience. That can carry on a conversation for 6/7 minutes.


Alright, doing my homework now......


Dinner party scene is classic. (I also dine nightly with plastic superheroes just like those on my table...for realz)