
Louis Roederer

Starck Brut Nature Champagne Blend 2006

You won't see me post a lot of non-RM Champagne. But this is pure, lively, and full of precise tension. #brutnature #roederer #stark #champagne — 10 years ago

Doug, Justin and 1 other liked this
Doug Burress

Doug Burress Influencer Badge

Awesome stuff! I always recommend the Roederer to this that can't find any RM Champagne around them. I tasted this "secret" new release in a shiner bottle this summer with Jean-Batiste. Very good stuff!
Ben Leger

Ben Leger Influencer Badge

@Doug Burress even for the grower purists this is worth the price of admission. Sometimes we need to not outthink ourselves. Listen to your palate not your expectations