Fraises, watermelon. Fine structure and minerality. Racy and refreshing, with that little extra you expect from Coteaux d'Aix. Textbook. #chateaurevelette #grenache #roséfordays #aix — 8 years ago
Strawberry jam on fresh brioche. Wild raspberries on slate in the rain. #bollinger #grandannee #roséfordays #champs — 9 years ago
Surprisingly dry. But an excellent rosé. #roséfordays — 10 years ago
roland benedetti

Super crunchy rosé of Pinot Noir by Montebruno. It is summer. It is fruit. It is light. It is clean and balanced. It is also holding it, enjoyed it 4 days in a raw without argon or pump!
#rose #roséfordays #montebruno #oregon #oregonpinotnoir — 5 years ago