

Extra Dry Rosé Blend

Aaron Epstein

#Bubbles and #latkes. Hell yes. Nothing better with fried food! (Rating reflects price as well, which is stupid low.) — 10 years ago

Tony, Daniel Khasidy and 3 others liked this
Daniel Khasidy @dankay

Daniel Khasidy @dankay Influencer Badge

heck yea, another social media place to like/love this wine. great minds.
Aaron Epstein

Aaron Epstein Influencer Badge

@Daniel Khasidy haha! So friggin delicious. One of the stars of our current Le Metro edition.

Medici Ermete

Concerto Reggiano Lambrusco

Aaron Epstein

Getting ready for #latkes & #lambrusco. How better to begin the holiday? Happy Hanukkah everybody! — 11 years ago