Doesn’t quite pass as amaro but it’s my true love. Possibly a desert island thing. Orange. Bitter as all get out. Syrupy which works because the bitter. This is the friend who is a jerk but somehow their jerkiness plays off their good-human-magnitude and you love them even more. I’d marry Campari. — 7 years ago
Oh hey! Leave it to @Paul Treadway Huntington Beacher Bum to get me into a Scotch. This is delectable. My usual quibble with scotch is the smoke and this one has a whisper of it but it only serves to ballast the vanilla, honey and...marmalade? Of the rest of this. Tried neat and on a big cube o’ ice in a chilled glass and definitely recommend the latter. It is an evenings worth of delicate sipping. A ballerina. A delicate scotch. I’m a fan. I eat my anti-scotch words this one is for me. — 7 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Party wine. Excellent. Seriously I’d take this to any party both to slurp and share. It’s good. It’ wine. Complex not especially but tasted along side some other grocery store level wines this levels the fuck up. Also fuck yeah black cats. I apologize being a cat person and in particular a black cat person I’m maybe predisposed to this but if you want a wine under ten dollars that doesn’t reek of bullshit this is it. It’s very nice and simple and blackberries but not...obnoxious wanna call out other grocery store cabs but won’t. I like this gato. Simple but friendly purr. Am I giving a wine that costs about 6 bucks an 8.9? I am. Meow — 6 years ago