Vincon Romania


Purpura Valahica Red Blend 2017

Quite surprised with the ageing of this 2017 drunk in 2024. A blood like scent (no Brett), followed by tons of primary, black currant, plums, sweet oak spice. Black. I feel a bit the alcohol and also the peak, acidity falling and warming the front palate. Yet, 2017, complex in the nose, a bit alcoholic in the mouth…stands out at his age. Good — 5 months ago

Liliac & Kracher

Transylvania Ice Wine Neuburger Pinot Gris 2016

Paired w/vanilla & brown sugar marbled cake, served w/house sweet cream — 3 years ago

I Heart Wines

I Heart Pinot Grigio 2020

This is an Italian DOC Pinot Grigio, but the app insists its Romanian??? — 3 years ago


Recas Pinot Noir

“Goes down smoothly” - MM — 6 months ago

Cramele Recaş

Recas DOC Pinot Grigio

Enjoyed this. Especially for $8/bottle. Very mild. Hubby says it has a chlorine note which was off putting for him. I get chlorine on the palette but hey, that just tastes like summer to me. Doesn’t have the acidity like most Pinot grigios. Closer to a Cali pinot Grigio than an Italian. — 10 months ago

Ethan HeyboerPeter HeyboerDiane Heyboer
with Ethan, Peter and 1 other

Cramele Recaş

Selene Feteascā Neagra

Delicious! This is by far the best Romanian wine we’ve tried so far. Let it open up and see how the flavors and aromas change. Great wine! — 4 years ago

Alex Bardașu
with Alex
Stephen liked this

Crama Oprisor

Dragaica Rosie Red Blend

Cabernet Sauvignon - Oprișor Romania — 8 months ago

Aurelia Visinescu

Anima Dealu Mare Merlot 2017

Slight oak and black fruits. Tabasco. Concentrated. A bit spicy but with sweetness. Smooth from initial. Gentle tannin. Anima Merlot 17 @3740, Yang, 240323-240403 — a year ago

Cramele Recas Sa.

i am Pinot Grigio

On the sweet side, but a nice white! — 3 years ago


Vine in Flames Chardonnay

うきうき激安セットのひとつ、ルーマニア産のシャルドネ。同国の白は初めてかと思う。樽が効いていて、リッチな味わい。ドライでもあり飲み飽きしないかと思います。リピートしたいね。 — 4 years ago