If given the time to open over the course of several months, this thing blossoms into perfect intersection of flowers and vegetation, erasing all the typical vago harsh edges — 6 years ago
Best in price range, but slightly too hot and simple. Rustic and w. Pronounced hay note. — 7 years ago
Impressive balance of soft smoke, sharp cut and lush fruit. Always towards the top end of the espadin crowd. — 4 years ago
Wild harvested Tepeztate. — 7 years ago
Flawless and high toned — 8 years ago
I really like this agave Coyote. Clean citrus flavors. This is distilled in Barro (clay), which really brings a mineral flavor in the nose and especially in the mouth. Balances out the bitterness of the Mezcal which I really enjoy. June 2014 fermented date. Sola de Vega. — 7 years ago
Holy smokes — 8 years ago
Brent S

Hard to imagine how this gets much better, but being an optimist, we should leave one point. — 3 years ago