Formidable ! — 9 years ago
Beautiful fruity foretaste — 7 years ago
This shows bright berry fruit, a stony character, and cashmere-refined tannins that get even finer and silkier with air. In other words it's basically a textbook Rugiens except with even sweeter, more accessible fruit than you'd expect at this stage in its life. This is really exhibiting the beauty of the 2005 vintage, that perfect fruit and refinement, but the surprise is that it's not even remotely shut down. It's fresher and friendlier than most of the more recent vintages. — 9 years ago
Bouquet reminds me of a cassis throat lozenge. Rich cherry fruit up front that also reminds me of a Smith Bros. throat lozenge, with strong tannins and a long finish. — 7 years ago
Could drink this all day. Fruit like crazy with subtle tannin and minerals and all other sorts of good stuff. Sit on it for 10-15 more years or drink now. — 9 years ago
Michiel Gruijthuijsen Van
The wines of Violot Guilemard are fantastic. — 5 months ago