Rudi Wiest Selections

Rudi Wiest

Hooked Riesling

Sure, it’s a gimmicky label, sure it’s a no name, importer brand Mosel- but for under 13$, a nicely balanced kabinet style ( but Qba) reisling. For the Mrs, rs & acid the right way. I’d be curious who supplies the grapes — 4 years ago

Severn and Ericsson liked this

Joh. Jos. Prüm

Wehlener Sonnenuhr Spätlese Riesling 2001

Rudi Wiest German Riesling Dinner
01 Flight with the JJ Prum & F Haag the standouts
— 6 years ago

Ryan, Keith and 8 others liked this

Mönchhof Robert Eymael

Ürziger Würzgarten Kabinett Riesling 2013

We first opened this bottle with Rudi Wiest on April 11 and put it back in the frig and opened it again yesterday; both bottles showing incredible acid and complexity-over a month open and still going! — 10 years ago

Paul and Rohit liked this
Rohit Topiwala

Rohit Topiwala Influencer Badge

Need some Von Buhl Sekt !!!
Melissa Treadway

Melissa Treadway Influencer Badge

Yes! Bring on the Sekt ...
Cristin Castro

Cristin Castro

Working on it

Weingut Jürgen Hofmann

Fritz Müller Perlwein Trocken Müller-Thurgau

Date drank: October 2017
Year: NV
Producer: Fritz Muller
Grape: Muller Thurgau
Region: ?
Distributor/Importer: Rudi Wiest - Cellars International
Natty: no
Tasting Notes: Nice sparkling white. TROCKEN = dry. Light bubbly, clean finish. Some fruit. Peachy and citrus
— 4 years ago

Rudi Wiest

Pinot Noir 2014

I like it! — 8 years ago

Rudi Wiest

Mosel Riesling 2013

Fantastic value for the flavor — 9 years ago

Marc and Bill liked this


Spätlese Riesling 2002

Max Kogod

Rudi Wiest Label Fail. Caramel, baked apple, sea salt, and liquid rocks.
— 11 years ago

Marc, John and 2 others liked this


S Ahr Spätburgunder 2015

pale ruby core fading to amber rim; pungent herbal quality, damp earth, black cherry, raspberry, no significant discernible oak influence; cherry, licorice, herbs, long herbal finish; light bodied, bright acidity, light tannins, 13.5% ABV; Rudi Wiest import; $58 — 5 years ago

Romain liked this

Schloss Lieser

Brauneberger Juffer Kabinett Riesling 2014

Petrol-forward, slightly oxidized nose. Massively floral, great ripeness. Peach, honey, golden apple, electric mouthfeel and taut with minerality. Impeccable concentration of fruit- such intensity yet so much delicacy. Superb with my green shrimp curry. One of my favorite producers from the Rudi Wiest portfolio, particularly for its value. — 7 years ago

Arden and P liked this


Nahe Kabinett Riesling 2009

From the amazing Nahe region a sweetish but razor or acid to balance Finish evaporate yes in a good way Bonus when doing a pan glaze with this no extra acid is needed =perfect pair thanks Rudi Wiest for importing — 10 years ago