Cristin had this 10 years ago
A bit of winemaker influence but the wine can take it, — 9 years ago
This wine was perfect with dumplings and ginger carrots, it's showing the 2011 vintage and is also holding up and showing a bit of age, especially in the color, perhaps a bit advanced but pleasurable. Texture right on for Schlumberger. — 9 years ago
Yum, classic in style, fine tannin and suitable for now, where's the Bolito!? — 10 years ago
Watching this evolve; the wine has been open in gassed now for 5 days. The unctuous mouth is such a fine thing because it's not heavy at all, it's like a tartus, bigger on the inside than the outside: it's rightly contained in acid and can think is so many things it reminds me of and makes me want to eat/one of those wines. The best Vineyards are so Wise, They keep going and spur so many ideas. This could be medicine for a really sour day or total replacement for Bubbles in celebration. Intense. Somehow still light around the edges. — 9 years ago
2012 vintage is fresh, thanks Elena — 10 years ago
Clean like a whistle and low alcohol totally refreshing but simply layered-yes — 10 years ago
Cristin Castro
Cristin had this 8 years ago