A special treat in the LH FCL — 5 years ago
superb wine, a rhone white style but all Portuguese grapes. $20 — 3 months ago
Well... kind of plummy! Red and bright and firmly acidic with a sweet/savory mix of fresh picked Prunus. After a while and overnight some volatility comes out which adds to the complexity. — 5 years ago
👃🏻 red fruits
👄 dark and red fruits
This gin is made with some Prunus Spinosa (small dark berries) — 10 years ago
Grapefruit, lemon pith, white peach, hints of walnut oil in the bouquet. Stone fruit and lime zest with hints of rose water and linseed oil on the finish. Dry but fairly viscous refreshing white that would go well with light seafood dishes, pastas, spicy foods, and salads — 5 years ago
Rich Bluth
rustic. let it open up. even day 2 — a month ago