Pepe Galante

Emidio Pepe

Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo


世界最高峰のトレッビアーノ。やや曇った黄色?とても上品でバランスがよい自然派。価格に見合っているかは疑問。@ Onda Tokyol小売価格15000円くらい — a month ago

Emidio Pepe

Trebbiano d'Abruzzo 2019

Has the longest life ahead of any non-riesling white I’ve had recently — 8 months ago

Erik and Ira liked this

Flying Goat Cellars

Clos Pepe Vineyard Goat Bubbles Blanc de Noirs Pinot Noir 2016

At Flying Goat, the goal is to produce unpretentious, playful wines while retaining a serious quality focus and commitment to a purity of expression from single-vineyard sites such as the Solomon Hills Vineyard, Bien Nacido Vineyard, Rancho Santa Rosa, to name a few.

This intention is reinforced by everything from the whimsical labels (Flying Goat, Goat Bubbles, YNOT), to the critical acclaim Flying Goat Cellars has garnered for its impressive wines, to the impeccably balanced and delicious Pinot Noir and vintage, traditional method sparkling wines.

This 2016 blanc de noirs sparkler — made with Pinot Noir hailing from the Bien Nacido Vineyard — is medium gold in appearance, with a fine and creamy mousse, and fresh notes of just-ripe yellow apple, pear, white peach, lemon zest, citrus blossom, biscuit, toast, brioche, toasted almond, and marzipan. It has a lingering, elegant finish.

@Delectable Wine this is the blanc de noirs bien nacido vineyard 2016 vintage sparkling (Goat Bubbles, Flying Goat Cellars)
— 10 months ago

with Deked1
Deked1, Bob and 9 others liked this

WALT Wines

Clos Pepe Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir

Strong rings, dry, smell of berries. Delightful. — a month ago

Emidio Pepe

Colli Aprutini Pecorino

Father’s Day dinner for Sofia’s dad. — 7 months ago

Ron, Juan and 2 others liked this
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Looks delish!
Jose Lorenzo

Jose Lorenzo

Patagonian shrimp, spiny Florida lobster, & Atlantic Cod in a creole sauce…. Amazing pairing. Cheers Ron

Clos Pepe Estate

Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir 2014

This CPE’s Signature bottling. My second to last bottle of CPE. I believe this 2014 the last vintage they produced. I gave it a high rating based on more of my experience with the winery than the wine. The wine was very light in color with no brickage. The nose and taste were very light as well but there was some light (Cranberry) fruit notes and some cedar as well. The taste was about the same and the finish was okay. Nothing wrong at all just very light and past its prime. Think I’ll be drinking that last bottle I have on NYE, no reason to keep it any longer.

On another note; I so much appreciate CPE getting some of these wines to me last century when it may have be illegal to do so but Paterson, NJ and other things took precedence over the law of the day.
— a month ago

Loring Wine Company

Clos Pepe Vineyard Pinot Noir 2015


#staritahills #sbcountywines — 6 months ago

Doug, Jonathan and 1 other liked this

A.P. Vin

Clos Pepe Vineyard Pinot Noir 2009

Wes Hagen, 20 year veteran wine maker at Clos Pepe Vineyard, joined our group and gave us a master class in Santa Barbara pinot noir. We tried 11 PNs from 2004-2010, made by Loring, AP Vin, Sandler, Siduri, and Brewer-Clifton. This AP Vin was my #2 although the group rates it closer to the middle of the pack. No longer producing unfortunately… — 10 months ago

David, Doug and 7 others liked this