Maybe this was too old since it came off a bit strange. Not much on the nose and the taste had somewhat of off putting pear notes — a month ago
A little caramel on the nose and the first part of taste was not much but opened up midpalate to finish with caramel and spices.
This was a half bottle that cost $13.79 back in the day. Had this with dessert at Le Virtú in Philly — 2 months ago
End of life. Some cola, berries all around but just an okay finish. Happy it was fine for Restaurant Week in Haddonfield — 22 days ago
Opened and tasted and seem okay so did not decant but put in an aerator. Showed pretty will with lead pencil, dark fruits, some spice and a nice finish. It lasted for a while and by the end of the meal, about 90 min later it just shut down. Not too much left on nose or taste and the finish seemed to cut short; odd for sure.
— 25 days ago
I was thrilled that my last bottle of Clos Pepe was excellent. I opened and tasted, it seemed pretty good so I did not decant but put in an aerator. At dinner it had a great nose of cedar, black cherries, cola and spice. The taste was dark plums and other dark fruits. The finish was long and very smooth. I was going to save a bit to see how it would have been the next day but drank it all but did notice the finish being not as smooth at the end. Happy I did not decant thinking now I may have missed the best part.
A lot of history will Clos Pepe and a odd connection with Paterson, NJ that started it all. I’ve never been disappointed with their PN’s and some of their oddities including Grappa. — a month ago
Past its prime — 22 days ago
Very enjoyable with a lot of dark fruits and a great finish — a month ago
Excellent PN with a lot of cola, dark fruits and I said flowers but my wife said Roses and will go with that. The taste showed dark fruits including plums. The finish was also very long and smooth. Very enjoyable for sure. This was my last 2017 Roar and last Soberanes Vineyard — a month ago
This was loaded with lots of berry notes and tobacco jumped out. Drinking great but a lot going on at dinner at Le Virtú in Philly. — 2 months ago
Jerry Raphael
This is one of my high end drinkers I keep mainly for my family. Had a very early dinner on busy night and grabbed this. Well I was a little surprised that it did not show much at all on nose or taste; would more time in glass or bottle make a difference? On the next night opened a PN that goes for less than half the cost and it showed so much better with some nice PN notes all around. Not sure what to do about Pali but have a bunch more to drink and then will decide on future purchases. — 12 days ago