Newtown Pippon applesauce, thick skinned satsuma orange, blue signature sliggity slate and 87 octane in yo face! — 9 years ago
I like this. Had it with Carl and Chelsea at a Bistro in Newtown 2-20-15 — 10 years ago
Had with antipasto, gnocchi and risotto. At vechia osteria, Newtown, pa — 9 years ago
At Filet in Newtown with Kristen — 10 years ago
Both brut and unfiltered — 8 years ago
Nice picked it up in Aeon in Chiba Newtown as a small bottle and delivers — 9 years ago
Go to Newtown PA liquor store. Only $20 for this fabulous $60 wine! Cheers! — 9 years ago
Brandon Boesch
Tanuki cider. Newton pippin single varietal. Turning into one of my favorite California cider companies. So clean but with enough complexity and funk to make them very interesting. High acid on this one but just outstanding apple flavors and tannins. Worth seeking out these ciders. Batch 2020+21 #16/30 — 2 years ago