L'olivier De La Reze

Domaine du Clos St-Louis

L'Olivier Fixin Pinot Noir 2020

Comparatively dark in color; robust PN notes, all sort of exaggerated, particularly the red fruit, the forest floor, and the minerality; high acids but well balanced. A great Wednesday fix from Fixin. — 2 years ago

Scott@Mister, Daniel and 7 others liked this

Les Vignobles Foncalieu

Les Hauts de L'Olivier Sauvignon 2012

Delightful white with gooseberry hints - would have been perfect for a warm sunny day - unfortunately it was raining!!
— 11 years ago

Domaine de l'Olivier

Muscadet Sevre-et-Maine Sur Lie Melon de Bourgogne 2017

Apple, pear, cucumber notes. Light bodied and acidic — 6 years ago

Domaine de l'Olivier

Côtes du Rhône Villages Red Rhone Blend 2014

Ripe dark berry, full body, well balanced. — 9 years ago

M. Chapoutier

Petite Ruche Crozes-Hermitage Rouge Syrah

At L'Olivier, too new to be in the place database. — 11 years ago

Valerie GrisonAndy Alsop
with Valerie and Andy

Wine Harmonies

L'Olivier D'Anis Agneau

Très bon vin d'épicerie, à boire avec viande rouge, fruit rouge, moka, tannin moyennement charnu — 10 years ago


Alexandria Cuvée Red Blend 2010

Sta reci...Vino koje me odusevilo. Odavno sam hteo da probam Vranac u nekoj kupazi i ovo je pun pogodak. U ukusu preovladava Vranac u odnosu na Merlo i Caberne sauvignon. Cak mislim da caberno sauvignon ima u tragovima ili u nekom manjem odnosu. Vino nema jak i intezivan miris ali nasuprot tome ukus sve nadoknadjuje. Jako sam srecan sto sam imao priliku da probam ovu kupazu. Vinarija Tikves-Alexandria(kupaza Merlo,Vranac,Caberne sauvignon),godina berbe 2012,14%alkohola. Treba ostaviti pola sata da se dekantira. Ima tezinu i oporost koju donosi Vranac ali ne "reze" toliko jer mu prefinjenost daje merlo i caberne. Podseca me na dzem od od sljive. — 11 years ago