Like a dry Alsatian Pinot blanc with some honey on the back end. Hungarian. Thick mouthfeel. Good. — 4 years ago
White, towards an orange. Cloudy, creamy and semi funk. Fruity. — 6 years ago
When I was a kid, I used to grate apple and have it drizzled with honey. This is that, in a bottle. Golden deliciousness. — 6 months ago
Beautifully balanced, nice acidity, honey and ripe pear — 4 years ago
100% Hárslevelű from Hungary’s Somló region. Deep gold color showing the age. Wet hay and dried apricot nose with honey undertone. Also reminds me of the sweet burnt caramel aromas of creme brûlée. On the palate sweet tropical fruit acidity (mango, pineapple), mineral and earth throughout. Heavy weight and plenty of texture puts this in the same league as some of the best Burgundy whites. From @sommselect dot com: This wine is farmed and crafted by Fekete Béla who is a 90-something-year-old unsung magician that turned a few acres of an ancient volcanic hillside terroir into thought-provoking wines with fathomless depth. It really is the work of a magician. — 6 years ago
zzzzzzzzzzzw — 2 years ago
Sweet, full of flavour, hint of raisins, slightly smokey, delicious. — 3 years ago
Smooth funky clean — 5 years ago
Somewhere between a dry Riesling and a Sauternes, the color looks a bit like urine and the initial smell carries some funk. The flavor is balanced and smooth throughout. This is a memorable wine and amazing for a Friday night at home with your lover, cooking dinner together and escaping the harshness of the world. *swoon* 😘 — 6 years ago
Daniel M
Ripe pear, mandarine, peach, ripe cantaloupe, fresh grapes... this is very fruity and inviting. The palate is dry but very fruity, and with a pear juice mouthfeel with a tiny grain. Good acid drive, good width, a bit of a grip in the rear, and a long fruity finish (pear, lemon curd, lemon zest). It's a crowd pleaser, clearly, but very well done. — 4 months ago