Gina and Annie — 7 years ago
Gina says 9.7. — 7 years ago
Dayymm Gina — 6 years ago
With Gina and Bob — 7 years ago
Sweet and fizzy! — 8 years ago
Racine, NYC. 4/29/19 with Loren Gesinsky, Gena Usenheimer, Gina Merrill, Scott RABE. — 6 years ago
Gina Gallo signature series cabernet sauvignon 2013. OUTSTANDING!!!!!! 95% cab, 3% petit verdot, 2% petite Sirah. Very dark opaque.... um um already. The bouquet is Lavender and fresh picked blueberries. The initial palate is amazingly sweet but not sticky!!!! I let it decant for 30 min after the first 2 oz. POW! I was not expecting anything from Gallo to be this good. There is ripe blackberry of coarse, boysenberry, rhubarb, and sweet raspberry int the beginning. The wine quickly brings to the palate hints of chocolate and fig. No spice. No oak. Maybe some vanilla. The the finish brings in the dry lip licking goodness and there comes the spice in the finale. This rounds it off to perfection. I know she worked hard to get this one. Congratulations Miss Gallo! I’m finally blown away by Gallo wines. I’ll be getting a whole lot more this while it lasts!!!!!! Oh did I mention its only 40 dollars a bottle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — 7 years ago
Paired with tapas and paella at Ristorante Iberia. Laughs with Nini and Gina! 🎉 — 7 years ago
Rhonely Boy
Very good selection, in the Under $10 range ($5.97 at Total Wines)
Having been to the Ravenswood winery, and trying a good portion of the portfolio, grabbing this was a no-brainer. Decanted for an hour, good fruit in the Boysenberry range (Blackberry x Raspberry, Loganberry being a similar hybrid), nice spicey character. Would purchase again in the price range.
Ravenswood has a nice portfolio, and I hope after this Pandemic period, Gina Gallo opens the doors to the tasting room once again. — 5 years ago