Unreal. Like a chartreuse with guts. Fascinating homemade ingredient of classic Tiki drinks. Maggie's Farm is bucket list fodder — 8 years ago
Real Barbados Falernum!! Ah, the secret Tiki supper club plots grow toward the subterranean reality of blossoming, like an exquisite, rare flower! — 9 years ago
This is a very sophisticated Zin. Sophisticated as in raised-on-classical-but-moved-to-big-city-and-got-into-BillieEilish-but-go- waltzing-for-fun way. Shall I be textbook? Let’s.
Eye: medium ruby red thick big ol’ tears
Nose: leaps out! Licorice red/blue/black fruit but mostly like stewed dried cranberries and spice and vanilla bean
Tongue (mine) dry, medium acid, medium plush ripe tannins, high booze level (checking to see if I was correct)ohhhh 14.8! So yeah high abv.
Body is medium plus. Intensity medium plus. It’s all ripe and raisined purple plum, black cherries, blackberries and all of these fruits are dried and ripe plus a handful of blueberries and a slosh of vanilla bean liqueur and some allspice or even...velvet falernum. Finish is medium plus.
This is a Zin I want in my life forevs
— 5 years ago
Dejlig til prisen. 400 på falernum. Vist nok billigere på Nørrebro. — 10 years ago
Prominent clove and cinnamon. Sweet and delicious. — 9 years ago
Matt Sterr
Gingery Falernum — 4 years ago