Nez fleur d oranger épicé
Bouche ronde ample avec de note de vin orange gourmandise en finale — 3 years ago
Funky orange — 6 years ago
At Mojo with my hubby. Greek orange amber wine. Beautiful — 3 years ago
Sea salt, fresh grass, pine, dill, Indian spices with a bit of earthy note as if you are in a cave or an old stone house
Muscat but not painfully sweet - finally — 3 years ago
Loded with ethylcetat that works very well, fresh, red berries, earthy, minerals, lightish and full body. — 4 years ago
Sous Le Végétal - a collaboration project between Jason Ligas and Patrick Bouju to showcase the micro terriors of the Greek island, Samos. I had four sites available to choose from at the bar, and the sommelier recommended the Palli et Genesia based on my preference for "zippy and mineral". She sure hit the nail on the head here - high acid and salty! This skin-contact muscat smelled like seaweed and lychees. On the palate - pears, honey, dried herbs, sea-salt, with a albumen-like texture. Taken over by volatile acidity on the next day. Overall, a very compelling expression of muscat. — 3 years ago
Jaune or
Nez fruit jaune cire agrume nèfle
Bouche ample grasse huileuse puis milieu de bouche dense et finale Aerienne et fraîche avec une belle acidité
— 5 years ago
Al Doyle
Effervescent skin contact stuff from Greece, really fun, a little too powerful maybe but good with robust foods 🥳 — 2 years ago