Sevinçle evde 30.08.2024 fena değil — 6 months ago
So good to be drinking this bottle again… the 2014 vintage was what started my obsession with French Bordeaux’s year ago. Glad to report this is still a fantastic bottle! Fruity and well balanced. Tannic and fruity. I just love this wine and will continue buying it, for the price it’s a great R bank Bordeaux. #nostalgia #bordeaux — 10 months ago
Fruta negra, todavia muy fresco para sus 23 años, taninos presentes, posgusto lasrgoooo… — 4 months ago
Rich with a mild wood or nutty flavor. Full body. — 9 months ago
A solid budget “Beauj”. This actually tastes like terroir and you can tell the winemaker is trying to not get too involved in the cellar unlike last nights moulin a vent. A lightness and tartness that is quite fun raspberry notes of fruit and a lot of acidity lead to a good drinking wine. Perhaps cherry notes in the middle? The finish isn’t huge but it does linger after swallowing. Actually the nose is quite pretty. Lilac notes? A flower. Highly recommended. The light tartness on the finish might a little much for some people. Maybe air will mellow it. Will buy again.
Edit: after 20 or 30 min of air the tart end integrates and the wine smoothed even more out. This probably deserves a higher rating than 9. Highly recommended — 2 years ago
Sagee Aran
A Golden Chardonnay. Oak noticed, full body with apple strudel notes. — 6 days ago