口当たりはグレープフルーツの爽やかさ、後味はグレープフルーツの苦味が感じられ、夏にピッタリの白ワイン。ボルドーなのにソーヴィニヨンブランの白、食事に合わせる2,000円台のハウスワインにはお勧め。 — 10 years ago
Somewhat fruity. Not as strong with tannins , def on a lighter blend taste, enjoyable nonetheless — 10 years ago
Kaboom! Vilket jäkla dessertvin! Som den snällaste cognacen utan nån som helst spritighet, men med fokus på mustade äpplen. Borde vara olaglig. Dracks på Gula hönan, Ronehamn. — 7 years ago
Reiko says 9.6. — 9 years ago
Excellent Day by Day wine — 11 years ago
Clean. Slightly less honeyed - almost more Armagnac-like. Ocean air, walnuts and cloves. Delic. — 10 years ago
Gift from John — 11 years ago
Ken Z
Forgot to take formal notes on this wine, but it was quite nice and an excellent value for around $10. Typical Bordeaux sauv blanc, with nice citrus and acidity. Nothing too complex.
88 -89 pt range. — 5 years ago