Wild. Palette goes in a thousand directions — 5 years ago
the perfect party in your mouth — 6 years ago
Delicate and light with crisp apples — 9 years ago
Very good albariño: fresh, floral, citrus and honey. — a year ago
Second bottle. A screw cap and thought better to open but didn't recall first bottle. Well turns out to be a good New world Riesling and notable for its lack of slate notes as per German version just consumed prior. Still, great balance of acidity and fruit and certainly quite a value for the ten Ben from JR Mystery 93. — 6 years ago
Riesling blend. Nearly med body, touch savoury. Good summer wine. — 8 years ago
Opaco a Translucidez
Brillo: Medio Alto
Ausencia de Sedimentos
Color: Violeta
Intensidad: Media
Viscosidad: Media Alta
Menisco: Variación de Ribete Corta con segunda tonalidad Magenta
Intensidad: Media Baja
Frutos Frescos
Frutos Negros:
Mora y Ciruela
Flores: Vainilla
Especies: Clavo
Suelo Matriz Orgánico
Presencia de Madera
Extras: Pasto Fresco
Semi Dulce
Cuerpo: Medio Bajo
Acidez: Media Alta
Alcohol: Medio
Taninos: Medio
Complejidad: Media
Final: Medio Largo
Notas: Propuesta biodinámica muy agradable. Sensaciones que trasladan a pradera.
— 2 years ago
In Tuscany — 9 years ago
Full body - excellent — 13 days ago