The big bad expensive Jericho Canyon now available in GA!!! This their 2013 Cab. At almost 200 a bottle I am a bit disappointed. If it were 75 dollars Id give it a 9.2. Its 14.9% acl/vol. Big dark fruit up front and a bit or orange peal on the mid palate. The fish is pretty dry and oaky. Its a great wine for a wealthy palate. I prefer a good Orin Swift Papillon!!!!! — 6 years ago
2013 @stellas w Matt, Justin, Olivia. Day 7 after ACL surgery 😎 — 7 years ago
2/19. Nice dark color. Full body and bold taste. Expected at least 14-14.5% acl. Paired very well with the lamb chops. — 6 years ago
Enjoyed this wine after tearing my ACL skiing on Blackcomb Mountain in Whistler. Beautiful wine. Complex. Hints of vanilla, dark cherries and blackberries. — 7 years ago
Nice big Pinot from Germany. Acl 14%. Nice flavor and finish. — 6 years ago
12.18. Nice Zin. Opened up for a full smooth drink. Full body with 15.5 acl. — 6 years ago
Vinho tinto, com coloração rubi bem brilhante. Apresenta aromas de alcaçus, mirtilio. Na boca taninos bem marcantes e boa acidez, e álcool um pouco saliente. Corpo médio para leve, boa persistência. Safra 2016. 13,5 % vol/acl. Bordeaux/França. — 7 years ago
Vinho Branco varietal, Sauvignon Blanc. Coloração amarelo claro, e bem límpido. O aroma de maracujá é muito forte, junto com um pouco de jasmim e cítrico. Na boca apresenta muito frescor e ótima acidez e muita presença do maracujá. Ótimo para o verão. Vinho de corpo leve, muito bom para acompanhar saladas e peixes. Safra 2016. 13% vol/acl. Chile/Leyda Valley. — 8 years ago
Henry Fuseler
8/2022. Had a 2015 a few years ago. Not as good as this 2020. Bold and full of flavor. Nice finish. Paired well with the stone crab claws and the BLT “pizza” with white chess sauce at Black Rooster.
acl 15% — 3 years ago