Smokey, peppery, black cherry deliciousness. — 7 years ago
Opulent AF. Super concentrated tangerines, ripe pineapple and juicy apricot. The flavors and aromas are more intense than the actual fruits. Felt like a queen drinking this. 👸🏻 — 8 years ago
Intensely aromatic and packed with flavor. 🍑🌸🍑🌸 — 7 years ago
The way I choose to re-hydrate after braving the Texas sun for a few hours.
Seemed to evolve into two different wines. Started off mimicking a bone-dry-funky-Sidra, then finished as a baked apple and peachy delight with just a bit of funk wafting through. Loved it. — 8 years ago
You know how kombucha tastes wildly alive and funky? This wine is definitely channeling those vibes. Definitely not for everyone, but I liked it. — 8 years ago
Distinctly smoky and spicy with raspberry and rose petals. Bonkers with steak tacos. — 7 years ago
Mika Jordan
(*☻-☻*) — 7 years ago