Remember that one candy you had as a kid that was really good and you've spent a little too much time as an adult looking for? As you unwrap the sugary goodness you can't help but talk up how awesome it is to your waiting friends. Talking it into a god like ambrosia that you, the benevolent sovereign, willingly gift their tastebuds. With a great flourish you bestow upon them this heavenly treat and with eyes closed, you get to taste it again. Your eyes pop open as you see your friends' faces mirror your own. That look of having smelled something vaguely not right and confusion. Then you remember that you were sick and unable to really taste anything when you first tried it as a kid. Yeah, it's like that. — 9 years ago
Fruity and light for a red. We drank it sitting on the porch munching on Chicken Express with white gravy. Leftovers that the kids didn't eat. — 9 years ago
Requires a serious decanting. Tasted like church know that burn as the blessed wine tries in vain to burn out your sins...? Yeah, kinda like that. Not bad, but not for me — 7 years ago
Bubbly and fruity. It reminds me quite a bit of this great Canadian couple we shared a table with on our Disney cruise. She was constantly complaining about her back issues and he was grumpy about being stuck taking care of the kids while she slept. Actually, they weren't bubbly, fruity or fun at all. The wine was though. — 9 years ago
Runny and bitter, kinda like my neighbor. Still it's a good wine after you finish off the boxed stuff. — 9 years ago
Jason and Kari had this 7 years ago
Well, even the sweetest dog on the inter webs isn't as sweet as this. Personally I prefer cat videos but it does it's job with helping me forget the horrors of removing mic belts from actors. Butt crack sweat soaked belts. Time for another bottle. — 8 years ago
When I was 11 and 12 I was sweet, like this wine. When I was 13 I was vaguely unpleasant, like this wine. Avoid the 2013. — 9 years ago
Good — 9 years ago
Jason and Kari Makoutz
Floral red berries on the nose with sharp tannins and load soft pepper. Good for $10 — 6 years ago