Such a pretty nose .Pear and white nectarine, with great structured acidity. Terrific value. — 9 years ago
This "Blushing Frog" could be from the South of France. Delicate floral aromas and fresh fruit is as satisfying as a slice of cold watermelon on a hot summer day. — 10 years ago
2016 showing very well. Bright nose of nectarine and pear with wonderful acidity that pairs well with food. Indian or Asian.. Yum.
Really enjoyable. — 7 years ago
2010 — 9 years ago
2011 Vintage When Cab marries Sangiovese it's a very happy one! Beautiful tobacco nose with hints of black ripened fruit and earth. The taste however gives you more of the Cab in its softened fruit forward appeal and leathery earthy nuances on the finish. Drink now . — 9 years ago
I had such high hopes from this conceptually interesting wine from the Oakville region of Napa. appearance is so pale in color it's almost clear. What little fruit was there was pleasant but never came together to express itself in any way. — 9 years ago
1963 vintage Elegant.warm.
Still fresh with deeply ripened , layered fruit. Exceptional with strawberries and aged balsamic and another glass at evenings end. Perfect with old friends. — 10 years ago
Stone fruit and vanilla on the nose , extremely well balanced fruit - long and lingering elegance on the palate. — 7 years ago