Would not have guessed Chardonnay if blind. I have not researched it, but the root vegetable back end leads me to believe there's decent maceration. Powerful, mineral, stone fruit. Sweet and sour and salt all integrated. — 8 years ago
Good wine at an airport, who knew? (A nod to Andrea Robinson's excellent program at Delta.) Flinty and sharp with a core of baked pears. Very tasty. — 8 years ago
First night in the new joint. Corkscrew deep in a box somewhere. Hacked at the cork. Pushed the haggered butt end into the bottle. Poured into a water tumbler through a strainer. I regret nothing. — 5 years ago
Traditional but not quite the same level of rusted sourness that I so love in Brunello. — 8 years ago
Just as good as the 2011. Earth and tea and burned spice and all those delicious butcher shop choppings. — 8 years ago
Mom and pop wine store. No price tag. Got it for a song. Delicious. Aspects of port. — 5 years ago
A sort of Croatian Zinfandel. But its relationship to American Zin is barely tangential. Mineral and mushroomy with austere fruit. — 8 years ago
Wait a day after opening. Then it's one of the very best American Chardonnays I can remember - pure old world. Mineral over oak; zingy fruit over butter. Excellent. — 8 years ago
Daragh Hoey
Mariners and good Riesling. Ridiculous value. Stones, acid, and metal fruit. Kyle Lewis destroying everything in sight. — 5 years ago