Certified Sommelier and Barista from Puerto Rico. Love our reds, enjoy our whites and look forward to sparkling and rosés in our hot weather. See more of us at...
Una mezcla de elementos muy interesante. Por interesante no nos referimos a la complejidad de la cata, sino al proceso del vino. La cata, por cierto, es bastante simple; tiene aromas bastante fáciles de descifrar como fruto rojo, higo, torrefacción en ahumado y tostado (comúnmente descrito como "maderita") y especias dulces (clavos, canela).
Ahora volviendo a lo interesante; un blend de Sangiovese, Malbec, Petite Sirah, Cabernet Sauvignon envejecido en Barriles Húngaros y Franceses que luego de todo ese trabajo cierran la botella con un tapón de rosca. Por alrededor de $20 hay que probarlo y si decidieran cambiar el tapón de rosca a corcho (que definitivamente le convendría) hay que darle un tiempito y degustarlo nuevamente. Aclaro que no tengo nada en contra de la rosca; entiendo que el enólogo nos esta diciendo "tómalo ahora, tal como está que esta es la receta que quiero que pruebes". Inténtalo con una pasta sencilla de salsa roja o una Pizza combinación. — 10 years ago
Red fruit, cherry and rasberry amd a hint of vanilla on first nose; ripe plum and intense vanilla after a swirl. Smooth on the mouth as expected form a granache; great representation on the fruits and region. Great value for the money at right around $16. — 10 years ago
Dark fruit; plum, blueberry, blackberry. Hints of vanilla, tobacco and lots of licorice. Balanced on the mouth with firm tannins. Nice finish. Enjoyable now but could hold another couple of years. — 9 years ago
Great on the nose; plum blackberry and a hint of balsamic. After a spin sweet, honey, flowers and ripe plum... but that is it; not as fancy on the mouth, dies off quickly and cant handle oxygen. — 10 years ago
Fruity first nose with black cherry and some rasberry (bubble gummy to a certain degree). Lots of terroir on its secondary and a hint of spices; is that star anise? Nice balance and finish. I'm glad I tried it but I'm not sure I'll go back to it again. — 10 years ago
Very good representation of both Ribera and Tempranillo. Aromas a bit shy at first but come along as the wine stands (at least the 2010). Flavors are present from the get go. Very well balanced and all around smooth. — 10 years ago
Dark ripe fruit, plum, fig, vanilla and maple syrup all present from the very beginning; after a swirl they all intensify and even when terroir aromas kick in fruit remains ahead of the rest and leads the way to a silky, flavorful, balanced taste of this awesome Malbec. Retro nasal brings in sweet spices; cloves and cinnamon along with a very long finish. — 9 years ago
Black Coyote Reserve, Cabernet Sauvignon 2012, Napa Valley USA... Aromas de especias y torrefacción desde su primera nariz; canela, caramelo y placentera vainilla que evolucionan a algo de regaliz y anis estrellado con un elemento de fruta oscura madura; ciruela e higo. En boca un ataque placentero (muy placentero) con una presencia de alcohol y acidez en perfecto equilibrio. Lo llevamos al area retro nasal para recibir aromas de clavo y un post gusto largo que nos invita a disfrutar lentamente de esta singular experiencia y a pasar por el ejercicio de degustación en cada sorbo para ver que otra sorpresa nos traerá El Coyote.
#baristasommelier #blackcoyote #napavalley — 10 years ago
Complex and tasty... A great Chardonnay! Shows its Oak right away but stay calm and give it a chance; its not wood juice. Nice complex nose but very difficult to detect its fruit; is it peach? Is it pear? Lots of roast and toast; almonds, bread. A malolactic fermentation is evident which really turns down the acidity and brings out the flavors. — 10 years ago
Cherry, Rasberry, Blackberry, hints of vanilla and balsamic with a smoky touch. Fresh acidity and fluid, but firm, tanins tobgo with a mid to long finish. Enjoy now or keep for another two years. — 9 years ago