This was a nice wine and much appreciated gift; great earthy nose- with a fungal almost truffle flavor on the tongue; but also with nice juicy fruit, especially at first. The finish was exquisite - Especially when shared with a dear sweet friend, as it was. — 9 years ago
Celebrating in CA great Central wine coast and this was a perfect nye wine, nice minerality, structured fruity finish -so much elegance in this bottle- happy it was our last one of the year! — 9 years ago
Tastey pinot, with fruity punch- perfect for a lonesome Tuesday night warming up to be a spectacular Spring. — 7 years ago
A nice light pinot: strawberry and cherry- with delicate floral nose-perfect for my Lobster roll - and first bottle in AU, great for sliding easy into couple weeks of Oceania..Cheers! — 8 years ago
Plums and cherries, quite noice! — 7 years ago
Very berry- raspberry mostly with blackberry undertone, a very easy drinking wine, very good with salmon cod and shrimp and dinner with a friend! — 8 years ago
Adrienne had this 9 years ago
Great burst of fruit at first, just love that about petites! And pretty deep purple & burgundy in the glass. OK, so the finish isn't heavenly velvet, but it's quite tender and soft on the tongue, with an almost perfumey nose! A good one for after everyone goes to bed, you have killer chocolate and a movie, and it just started raining... Cheers ! — 9 years ago
Adrienne White
Had the ‘69 with dear friends and wow. so distinctive - stinky cheese on the nose - with strong earthy fungal overtones. such intensity, and once it opened it was incredibly incredibly smooth - with a bit of a chalky cherry finish - so nice with my smokey morel sauce! 49 years of love right there-feeling pretty darned lucky. — 6 years ago