Not bad for every day chard.. Very light and easy to drink the whole bottle .. Even though it states it's 13% ABV .. ??
Not bad for every day chard.. Very light and easy to drink the whole bottle .. Even though it states it's 13% ABV .. ??
Oct 22nd, 2013
181202. At Matsumoto.
Dec 4th, 2018
Very light, fresh, and fruity. Perfect for summer!
Very light, fresh, and fruity. Perfect for summer!
Apr 17th, 2018
Crisp. Good for any night of the week. Good wood.
Crisp. Good for any night of the week. Good wood.
Mar 4th, 2017
Сладковатый шардоне. Выжка 20% в дубе и 80% в цистерне. Очень необычное шардоне. Для меня явного не любителя шардоне,приятное
Сладковатый шардоне. Выжка 20% в дубе и 80% в цистерне. Очень необычное шардоне. Для меня явного не любителя шардоне,приятное
Jul 14th, 2016
Необычно сладко для сухого шардоне. А так все хорошо, пусть и скромно.
Необычно сладко для сухого шардоне. А так все хорошо, пусть и скромно.
Jan 20th, 2016
East to drink, serve it fresh.
East to drink, serve it fresh.
Dec 12th, 2015
Not bad, but tart.
Dec 12th, 2015
Light and easy to drink. Perfect to have with friends
Light and easy to drink. Perfect to have with friends
May 26th, 2015
Nice, light
Apr 3rd, 2014