Woodchuck Cidery

Pear Ginger Hard Cider

9.01 ratings
-no pro ratings
Vermont, USA
Top Notes For
Julia Geisler

(Ignore the Magic Hat glass, although it does go with the Vermont theme)
I was sick this past week and absolutely planned on a glass of wine to celebrate my recovery but I am morally obligated to order Woodchuck if it’s on the menu (hometown rep!). Never been one of my favorites from them as it’s suuuper tart. Best consumed on a hot summers day — preferably while enjoying some good tunes at Ciderstock.

(Ignore the Magic Hat glass, although it does go with the Vermont theme)
I was sick this past week and absolutely planned on a glass of wine to celebrate my recovery but I am morally obligated to order Woodchuck if it’s on the menu (hometown rep!). Never been one of my favorites from them as it’s suuuper tart. Best consumed on a hot summers day — preferably while enjoying some good tunes at Ciderstock.

Apr 7th, 2018