Lenn Thompson
Publisher NewYorkCorkReport
Fresh, fruity and affordable on a Tuesday evening. Blend of LI and FLX fruit. #tasteny
Brady Davis
Moving day remnants
Doug Giuliano
Chardonnay, Riesling, Gewürztraminer. Smells earthy. Starts acidic. Bit floral. Peach. Little dry. Little creamy. Nice table wine.
Joe Fusaro
I love the fruit and the simplicity here. Even on a Wednesday night. ;)
Michael Amoruso
Aromatic and fruity. Nice Riesling flavors. Finger lakes grapes mixed in.
Brad Desmond
Brad had this 8 years ago
Jeanne Peron
Jeanne had this 10 years ago
Jin Hachiro
Jin had this 10 years ago
Audrey Stone
Audrey had this 10 years ago
Abe Glass
Abe had this 11 years ago