Marc On
Writer Originalverkorkt, Lobenbergs Gute Weine
Too much vanilla on the nose & palate. Not my cup of tea.
Quite a nice wine to drink on a warm summer day. Medium+ acidity, well integrated oak and a good finish.
Thomas Stache
Groß, stoffig, ausgeprägtes Holz, schöne präsente Säure. Wirkt auch alkoholisch...
Tibor Werzl
Funky Cuvee from Weißburgunder and Freisamer... new oak, smoky, komplex. Reminds my of southern France
Reina Sato
95 甘口
Tibor had this 10 years ago
satoshi ito
satoshi had this 10 years ago
鎌田守人 had this 10 years ago