Smells of honeysuckle and ripe honeydew. Scream in the city, mouthwatering deliciousness. A perfect balance to dry and sweet. I can’t pick out if it’s a little sweet or a little dry but it’s wonderful for whatever it is. Thoroughly enjoying this one, you just have to be ready for the acidity. Drinking this reminds me of dating a Latina, sweet and fire and everything you desire. 🤣
Smells of honeysuckle and ripe honeydew. Scream in the city, mouthwatering deliciousness. A perfect balance to dry and sweet. I can’t pick out if it’s a little sweet or a little dry but it’s wonderful for whatever it is. Thoroughly enjoying this one, you just have to be ready for the acidity. Drinking this reminds me of dating a Latina, sweet and fire and everything you desire. 🤣
Feb 27th, 2022