Vitaly Domnenko
Bm+. Tm. Am. Sm.
Catherine Leith
Notes of black pepper and blueberry with a touch of a nice, tobacco, and cacao. Nice, but not as full-bodied as I was hoping.
Pranay VA
Nice spicy peppery finish
Mark S.
Enough concentration. Burned taste. @2200, roomj, 190504
Greg Bateman
Lens wedding wine
Kars Snijders
Good CS
Kelly Danielsmith
Smooth and earthy
Jon Rowan
Wine fresh off the plane from chile
Rassadkin Alexander
Cassis, jammy, simple
チリワインにしては高めの17ドル、でもまろやかで美味しかった。great South American full body wine- smooth&fruity yet not too sweet.