AnneMarie Girard
Light and drinkable cab. Good with pizza
Natalie Talaga
Plum, slate, oak, vanilla. Smooth and nice but not much of a story to it.
Alexis Bendjouia
Lovely and v drinkable cab
Doug Giuliano
Smoky. Low tannins. Oak. Tobacco. Cranberry. Very soft. Acid. Little cab franc. Blueberry. #bkwineexchange
A Team pizza Friday and trip pics. Very dry, cinnamon and cherry notes.
Matt Sterr
Matt had this 5 years ago
Steve Haro
Steve had this 4 years ago
Mari Timpanaro
Mari had this 5 years ago
Kim Cuomo
Kim had this 5 years ago
Catherine Deeken
Catherine had this 6 years ago