Mo Cherry
Delicious! The slight spritz you look for in good Txakoli. Bright fruit, with an initial rush of acidity.
Jonathan Udkow
Import & Logistics, CA Sales Manager Pacific Prime WIne
Cool wine for a hot day
Reilly Brock
Spanish party wine!
Nesim Bekalti
Pyrazines? Without petillance might mistake this for sauv bl..
Rasta Rusty
One of my fave txakolis
Jeffrey Birkemeier
Sommelier/Beverage Director Casanova Restaurant
Jeffrey had this 10 years ago
Jennifer Reichardt
Jennifer had this 10 years ago
Winston Jones
Host OrganicWineReview, Assistant Buyer Savvy Cellar Wine Bar
Winston had this 11 years ago
Jaclene Corstorphine
Jaclene had this 8 years ago
Joshua Ackil
Joshua had this 9 years ago