A wine for the masses. These industrialists have captured the rocky earth they have sown. Peppery and metallic, a perfect pairing for whatever was in Chaplin’s lunch before being dragged through the gears of the capitalist machine.
A wine for the masses. These industrialists have captured the rocky earth they have sown. Peppery and metallic, a perfect pairing for whatever was in Chaplin’s lunch before being dragged through the gears of the capitalist machine.
Oct 19th, 2020
Just an okay wine.
Sep 4th, 2019
Really liked this with BBQ ribs
Really liked this with BBQ ribs
Feb 16th, 2019
Very spicy but not dry. Not for me, but not terrible
Very spicy but not dry. Not for me, but not terrible
Jan 19th, 2019
This was a recommendation by the wine director at a local large liquor store. It did not disappoint. Bold flavors of dark fruit with good acidity while not being overly acidic. I love the Lodi region and this represents it well.
This was a recommendation by the wine director at a local large liquor store. It did not disappoint. Bold flavors of dark fruit with good acidity while not being overly acidic. I love the Lodi region and this represents it well.
Dec 19th, 2018
Love this wine. Third bottle and really happy with it
Love this wine. Third bottle and really happy with it
Aug 4th, 2018
Has a dark fruit taste like plums. It's smooth and full bodied I like it
Has a dark fruit taste like plums. It's smooth and full bodied I like it
Jan 28th, 2018
Didn't give Janessa a headache
Didn't give Janessa a headache
Apr 14th, 2017
Starts a bit sweet, finishes dryish
Not bad, a bit too sweet for me
Starts a bit sweet, finishes dryish
Not bad, a bit too sweet for me
Dec 14th, 2016
Weekday wine
Nov 19th, 2016