Little fruity, little floral, medium Acidity, easy drinking
Little fruity, little floral, medium Acidity, easy drinking
Apr 24th, 2015
Cipriani... Grand Central... NYC... Frankie Five Angels and Shanghai Dragon Lady. Triple pasta... This wine... Looks like wine, Tignanello this is not... But this place has a 400% markup on Tignanello, but they charged me$60 for this $15 bottle of something. Thinking it would have been better with a cheeseburger and after the month I'm having... I should have bought the Tignanello. Frankie Five Angels stopped aging 10 years ago... My Asian Mist looks even better. Boca soon...
Cipriani... Grand Central... NYC... Frankie Five Angels and Shanghai Dragon Lady. Triple pasta... This wine... Looks like wine, Tignanello this is not... But this place has a 400% markup on Tignanello, but they charged me$60 for this $15 bottle of something. Thinking it would have been better with a cheeseburger and after the month I'm having... I should have bought the Tignanello. Frankie Five Angels stopped aging 10 years ago... My Asian Mist looks even better. Boca soon...
Jul 30th, 2014