Тонко, деликатно, ягодно - малина, черешня. Приятный, изящный аромат. Танины сухие, вкус насыщенный, с небольшой горчинкой. 15.5/20 (86/100)
Тонко, деликатно, ягодно - малина, черешня. Приятный, изящный аромат. Танины сухие, вкус насыщенный, с небольшой горчинкой. 15.5/20 (86/100)
Feb 21st, 2014
Very average on own, opened up quite a bit with food to be enjoyable, though unremarkable
Very average on own, opened up quite a bit with food to be enjoyable, though unremarkable
Jan 4th, 2025
Starting to fade a little, still nice. Best with food.
Starting to fade a little, still nice. Best with food.
May 21st, 2021
Nice wine. Nice by itself, even better with food.
Nice wine. Nice by itself, even better with food.
Dec 20th, 2018
6 bottles just arrived from our trip to Tuscany. Visited this winery in Montalcino. Small winery...great wine! It was the 1St of three visited that day. The Rosso is very good here in the 2015 vintage. Smooth....medium body. Nice smooth tannins. Will pair well with about any Italian dish. So I purchased half dozen bottles! I liked the rosso better than the Brunello from here. As they say in Italy....You Like what you Like. I like this!
6 bottles just arrived from our trip to Tuscany. Visited this winery in Montalcino. Small winery...great wine! It was the 1St of three visited that day. The Rosso is very good here in the 2015 vintage. Smooth....medium body. Nice smooth tannins. Will pair well with about any Italian dish. So I purchased half dozen bottles! I liked the rosso better than the Brunello from here. As they say in Italy....You Like what you Like. I like this!
Jun 15th, 2018
One of our bottles from our Italian trip. Really nice nose on this one, a hint of raspberry, herbs, a hint of sweetness. Still really tannic if drinking alone. Really good with food. Had it with a bolognese, so good. Really softened the wine.
One of our bottles from our Italian trip. Really nice nose on this one, a hint of raspberry, herbs, a hint of sweetness. Still really tannic if drinking alone. Really good with food. Had it with a bolognese, so good. Really softened the wine.
Apr 28th, 2018
Liked this wine when we tasted and still like it. Nice blend, smooth. Good alone or with food.
Liked this wine when we tasted and still like it. Nice blend, smooth. Good alone or with food.
Mar 25th, 2017
Love this wine. Still really smooth for the vintage. Had an Italian-style dinner and it went well with the food. Great wine for the value.
Love this wine. Still really smooth for the vintage. Had an Italian-style dinner and it went well with the food. Great wine for the value.
Oct 16th, 2016
slight taste of age.
Jan 21st, 2015
Curt had this 3 years ago
Curt had this 3 years ago
Sep 15th, 2021